Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What Needs to Happen. What will happen.

Ok we lost the first game. No big deal. I am not surprised. I didn't mind it too much. The way the pitching went down, it does not put us in a bad position for the rest of the series. Hamels is pretty freaking good, but here is the way I see the rest of the series going.

Game Two: CC dominates. Brewers win. We need this one. I don't think we could make it out of a 0-2 hole and I got faith in CC

Game Three: Dave Bush at home. Moyer is too old. I see that as a Brewers win. We're at home. We're up 2-1. Milwaukee drinks a lot.

Game Four: At home. Suppan regains his October magic OR we go with the McClung/Suppan platoon OR Suppan digs a hole too deep and we go to six. I like the first option.

Game Five: I'm hoping we take the next three, but just in case:
Sabbathia vs Hamels for a spot in the NL championship. Wow. Intense.

I'm still confident. Today wasn't bad. We didn't have to pitch McClung or Bush, so we are ok. We can steal one at home.

A few worries that could put a damper in my plans:
Torres - actually that is my biggest worry. If we blow a save, we are obviously done.
We can do it!

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