Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Top Ten Horror Movies (Guest Write)

So readers, a little change-up for today. A guest writer for us. I have used guest writers in the past, but that was just copying and pasting emails and was used when I really didn't have anything to write about. But this time my friend Amy offered and was kind of excited to guest-write. I guess the idea came up when I mentioned in a previous post my upcoming list of my favorite chick-flicks, which is still coming don't you worry. But anyways, here are the best horror films. I may add a few comments in italics. But here you go.

So here is my list of my top ten horror films:

Honorable Mention

High Tension-The movie is so freaking awesome until the plot twist in the end. It ruins the entire film which is why it is in honorable mention.

Dead Alive-Peter Jackson’s foray into horror. This movie is really freaking gross and scary. It goes in honorable mention because it’s more funny and gross then scary. (AKA Braindead in the US)

28 Days- A movie about angry, violent, scary zombies? Count me in (Me too. Zombies are scary)

Dawn of the Dead (Zack Snyder)- This movie is incredibly scary, but it’s more violent then anything else. (That ending was rough)

10. The Innocents

The Nicole Kidman film “The Others” is loosely based on this film but in my opinion “The Innocents” with Deborah Kerr kicks “The Others” ass. The children in this film are way creepy and what happens in the end is way creepy. Not violent and bloody like most horror films of today.

9. Suspiria

Dario Argento, what can I say? In my opinion one of his best films. The opening sequence makes the film totally worth watching. It’s also one of the last films to be shot in Technicolor. Just think of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs while you watch it. (If never seen this one, but just looking for pictures of it was pretty scary)

8. The Exorcist

Do I really need to explain why this is on my list? Two words: spider crawl.

7. Nosferatu

The original black and white silent film mind you. The remakes are good but if you watch the original in the dark you will get freaked out. Again not violent and bloody like the films of today but trust me what this in the dark and you get freaked out and incredibly uncomfortable. (Damn, look at that picture. Maybe Francis Ford Coppola could learn a thing or two about horror)

6. Eyes without a Face

In case you haven’t noticed a horror film doesn’t have to be violent and gross for me to consider it truly horrifying. Take “Eyes without a Face” a French horror film about a doctor who will do anything to give his daughter a new face. This film is a horror film because of the subtly implications of the horrors this man is committing just to make his daughter beautiful once again.

5. Halloween

How could this not be on the list? John Carpenter at his best (and Jamie Lee Curtis too). If you haven’t seen the original you have been living under a rock and have not yet experienced a classic horror slasher picture.

4. The Thing

Another John Carpenter film and possibly one of my favorite horror films ever. Plus it’s got Kurt Russell and who doesn’t like Snake? The movie just gets scarier and scarier as you watch. The part when they’ve got all the guys tied to one couch and one of them is infected is totally suspenseful and scary at the same time.

3. The Shining

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy…need I say more? (The wife is scary ugly. The son has a pretty bad hair. Cut. The blood in the elevator, the two girls, "Come play with us Danny", the hot/scary dead lady, and the soundtrack, wow. See also: The Shinning

2. The Descent

Holy Crap if you have not seen this film you need to stop doing whatever you’re doing and watch this film. The story of a group of girl cave explorers is so terrifying because of what it hunting them and how the first attack is shot. You see the creatures attack the girls with different infrared colors on their cameras. The attack is so fast and brutal that you will be feeling like you need to come up for air and you’re just sitting on the couch. Oh and watch the directors cut because the original American theatrical ending sucks major. (Guess I should check this one out.)

1. The (Original) Texas Chainsaw Massacre

This movie holds a special place in my heart. I remember the first time watching it. I was babysitting and it came on IFC at like 1:00 in the morning. I watched it, freaked out and checked every bathroom, cabinet, and closet after it finished. The gritty look of the film and how at the beginning of the film you are informed it’s a true story (it’s not).It also doesn’t hurt that the killer in this film is a guy who runs around in a mask made of human skin and makes animal noises is pretty damn scary. (No Jessica Biel, though)

Well, thanks Amy. You definitely know more about the subject than I do. Maybe if the audience likes you, you can even come back for another post.


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