Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sporcle - Best Work Distraction

This spring I chanced upon a great trivia/list website - www.sporcle.com
It is pretty much the best trivia/random knowledge website I have come across. Basically, you have a question or topic like Tom Cruise Movie or Wimbledon Champions or Countries in Asia and you have a set amount of time (longer for the larger categories) to fill in the list. When I first checked it out, I literally spent 3 hours a day on it. There is a huge variety of categories and quizzes - movies, geography, music, sports, history, literature, TV and so on. Definitely check it out. It is a great distraction at work and makes those slow days fly by.

Here are some of my favorites
Geography - Landlocked Countries, One Neighbor Countries - got 'em all on this one, XYZ countries - harder than you think
History - Historical City Populations, Historical US City Populations, Time Person of the Year - all pretty hard
Literature - Harry Potter Surnames - I missed only 3 on that one, Shakespeare Plays - only missed 7 on that one, pretty dang good i think
Movies - Actors Highest Grossing 1 and 2 - some interesting stuff, Box Office Top 80's and 90's, Disney Animated Movies - there's a lot!, James Bond Movies, Top Movie Franchises, High School Movies
Sports - #1 Ranked Tennis Players - great one, one of the first ones I did, 2008 Olympic Sports, Home Run Leaders A-Z, Most NCAA Final Fours, 1st Round Quarterbacks, Premiership All-Time - this is actually the one that led me to Sporcle, some emailed it to me. I missed 4.
TV - Survivor Locations, Top Rated TV - a fun one.

There is a small sample. It has something for everyone and is super addictive. No matter how much you know, you usually forget something and get frustrated and also have those "aww yeah" moments when you remember something at the last minute.
Fun Stuff, don't get too addicted.

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