Thursday, August 14, 2008

Tacoma, WA

uAnother day in Washington State. We were parked in Tacoma Central Plaza. I thought it would be like a downtown park or something. I should have know better. It was just a strip mall with a Target, Pet Smart, and Office Max. Suffice to say, it was VERY slow day. One reporter from a small radio station in Seattle came out. She was straight hippie and loved Project Vote Smart.

This was the second stop in a row put together by the League of Women Voters. These women are interesting. I've put together my observations on them in my dealings with them on the bus and planning the bus. They are interesting. Never under 50, very upity. I put them into 3 categories.
First, old women who are now widowed. They no longer have husbands to care for and go gung-ho into the LWV. Two, old women who were to needy to ever get married. They were most likely independent when younger and didn't feel the need to get married. Probably, about 50 years later they realized they wasted their lives and become married to the League as some sort of consolation. Three, younger old women whose children have moved out, probably far away and are now bored, thus join the League. Sorry if I offended any League of Women Voters supports with these incredibly overarching, judgmental conclusions.
Moral of the story, the League of Women Voters is much less cool than the Justice League.

On a positive note, a League member from the first category, took us out for a free dinner. Yes!
She was pretty funny and talkative. She took us to her house, to dinner, to pick up blueberries, to see mural, ad showed us the city. She knew we were interested in very little of this, but did it anyways. It was a fun time, or as fun as being kidnapped by two old ladies in Tacoma, WA can be.
Oh, and a semi hit our trailer, so we had to fix that during the day too. All in a day on the bus.

Grade: Being able to see Mt. Rainer raises it to a D- , free dinner raises it to a D

1 comment:

  1. Power Ring Count
    Justice League: 1
    League of Women Voters: 0
