Wednesday, August 20, 2008

San Diego, CA

Yes, Spanish for Whale's Vagina.
San Diego was not bad. The weather was real nice. I woke up, went for a run next to the ocean, pretty great. We were at Ocean Beach. Lots of skaters, surfers, tattoo shops, and evidently, it's no longer cool to wear shirts. Lots of young people about. Lots of white people. The beach was cool, but I think Pacific Beach was much better. It's kind of funny I've been to San Diego twice this year. This time I didn't even feel the need to go swimming.
Ok, our stop was in the afternoon when the farmer's market just miraculously popped up. Three TV stations came to check us out, but none of them were from the major networks. Lots of attractive young ladies (Sorry Carla, I just call it how I see it). Apparently short shorts are still in style in San Diego and it's cool for them to be so short that your pockets come out of the bottom. Hmm. Lots of JB out there, so visitors beware.
People were generally not nice, seemed as though they thought they were too cool for voting. They just wanted to buy their vegan products. Also, they didn't even reserve a parking spot for us. There was this one member lady who came to help out, an man, she was annoying. One of those liberals who still brings up the 2000 election. And whenever we would get someone to come over to the table and be talking to them, she would just butt in and take over. Geez, I do this everyday. I think I can talk to people a little better than you.
But a fun day overall.

Grade: B+
One last side note, pretty much all the shops and restaurants had signs that restrooms where for customers only, and I had a little too much Mexican food, and like I mentioned before, no pooping on the bus, so suffice to say, I had to become a customer at a few places. Well, worth the cost, though

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