Friday, April 11, 2008


Well, I got kind of a history with Villanova. See, my volunteer progam last year was sort of sponsored by Villanova. Also, some of the people that made a certain list about me, with all the "bad" things I had done during the year, the list which got me kicked out of my volunteer progam, were from Villanova. So bad blood, a little. But I also know some great people from Villanova, people I shared some great times with and many laughs - Zach, Peter, DiDom, Lindsay- ya'll definitely rep for the big V.
So I did have some sterotypes coming into our stop at Villanova, and it did not disappoint. Lots of stuck up rich people. Lots of stretch pants, lots of polo shirts and white or pink khaki shorts, lots of sorority shirts, lots of big sunglasses. Pretty much all the things I love. (I hope the sarcasm translates over the blog) The rich girls were even immune to my boyish charm, which usually brings 'em in on the college campuses, but I guess my ego could use a few bruises.
We were in a pretty nice spot on campus. It is a very cool campus too. Chelsea Clinton was speaking right around the time we got there.
But, um yeah, for the most part the people were not into us. I'm not asking for everybody to be hugely excited, but at least look at us out of something more than the corner of your eye.
Great weather, though, 75 degrees and sunny. I got a little sunburn.


The rest of the day was cool, though. We started early, as we were on the FOX morning show at 7:00 am. It was cool, did a quick live interview, like 45 seconds, but it went out to all of Philly. It was cool and I hope to do more.
At night, I met up with some of my old Philly co-workers. Good times. Lots of stories and remembering past funny times.

1 comment:

  1. haha fox news. Nice work. Just so you know, thats no rip, i tend to be conservative, i just think its funny when fox news covers this shit, and "tries" to be fair and balanced.
