Sunday, February 17, 2008

Done wit da Bus

Yes, I am done with the bus for now. I'll be back on it in about six weeks, checking out another part of the country.

Reflections/Things we learned
- people like Vote Smart, but never heard of it before
- it's hard to drive a 40 foot long, 11 foot wide, 13 1/2 foot high bus. There are some places it just should not go
- It's nice to have your own bathroom
- It's nice to have your own bed
- I'm getting kind of old
- colleges are fun, but I don't think any of them can measure up to the University of Wisconsin
- gas is expensive, especially if you get 8 miles per gallon
- surprisingly, living on a huge red and blue bus does not help you score chicks
- starting to drink at 5 or 6 o'clock is not a good idea
- I still got some charm in these bones
- California is not all sun and fun
- I apologize for using the phrase "score chicks" earlier
- California has a lot of cars
- you should not schedule events in the midwest in January. It's cold
- you should plan on driving over mountain passes in January in one night
- Mormons are nice
- Mormons love Project Vote Smart
- high school kids love me. I had them wanting to come to Montana, asking me to come to a party, and asking me to come watch their soccer game. A little creepy.
- It's a bad idea to get very drunk and wander around a city you don't know and look for a bus you don't remember where you parked in.
- many reporters are good looking
- young people love Obama
- Mexicans also love Vote Smart

Best stops- BYU, Oklahoma City, Des Moines, Bakersfield, Joplin
Best food- hmm, not Hooters, went there for the first time in my life and was far from impressed, not Cracker Barrel or Denny's - kinda sucked, not Rubio's- a bit overrated (sorry JJ), not Coldstone- always disappoints
probably any burger with onions, cheese, onion rings, and BBQ sauce great in Lyons, CO and Red Robin in SD, Fatburger was surprisingly good, and Shrimp Scampi at Red Lobster and most small Mexican Restaurants were pretty good. Yes, we ate out a lot and I like food.
Best Drinks- hmmm again, got some real strong ones in Columbia, MO. Free drinks are always good- Appleton, Columbia, Calabasas ,but I still gotta stick wit Smithwicks as the best beer and Jame-O as the best shot.
Best parts- new cities, warm weather, after work naps, hearing people say how much they loved Vote Smart, Santa Barbara, dinner at the Brady's, winning Pub Quiz, Andy's house + the Bobcat, seeing old friends, karaoke, interviews, Gladiators, Lost, front page of newspapers
Yeah, check the past posts.

So here's to the bus, my home for 6 weeks.

And don't worry, now that I am back in Montana, I can go back to writing about random, meaningless, funny stuff. Yes!


  1. "- Mexicans also love Vote Smart"

    You gotta love sweeping generalizations like this.
    It reminds me of last summer, I was playing the game Catch Phrase at this lake in northern Minnesota. One of the dads in the party got the phrase "Crossing the Border."

    The clue he used to get people to guess this was "Mexican people do this every day."


  2. Mr. Brown I am outraged by you racist remarks. I found this blog interesting and funny until you generalized my ethnicity with the use of Mexicans. You have forever lost a reader.

  3. I guess you are right. Though my comments were not racist, they were ignorant. Should've said most, and said Mexican-Americans. Or maybe that's wrong too.
